art direction and fabrication
team: Viktor Chavdarov (sound design, original music, cast), Sultan Kenjeyev (DOP), Vicky Hristova (camera)
London, UK, 2021
“Reversed Serenade” is a short film that documents the making of a DIY stage, discussing the state of live music performance during the pandemic and its possible future. Shifting the roles of the historic serenade – now the artist performs on their balcony and the audience listens along the streets. Almost becoming a flash mob, the happening transforms the residential realm into a public one, as if a new sub-culture in the city.
Soon after the COVID-19 outburst there were no more live events or public social occurrences. Music was not to be heard anywhere along the streets, buskers were tamed to their homes, only able to do online concerts or performances. Being one of them, Viktor feels that live performances need not disappear but adapt to the current situation. Being fortunate with a small balcony he and his flat mate transform it into a staged live venue for weekly concert sessions. In time, these events gather neighbors and passers by as his audience – a new urban community.